Riley was born on 30th June 2015. Not only does he bring a lot of joy and excitement to our lives, he is also the one who opened up our lives to the world of the Labrador Retriever and all that it brings with it.
When growing up it became clear that Riley was quite special. Of course every dog owner thinks that of their own dog and we were no different. To us he was just an adorable, energetic, loving, playful and happy member of the household.
As he grew up we did notice he wasn’t the same as most Labradors we came across. Quite a few people started to ask if we were planning to show him or breed with him which made us pay a little more attention to the nice comments.
And then…
In Spring 2016 we decided to go and see what a dog show was like and met up with Dagmar Eck at the Labrador Club Deutschland (“LCD”) show in Borsborn. Since all we knew about dogshows was what we’d seen on TV and in particular Crufts this was not what we had expected. The show was held in a ring made on a sports field. A very relaxed and friendly atmosphere welcomed us there and we felt immediately at ease.
In May we gave in and entered Riley for his first LCD show where he came 3rd in his class.
The very encouraging comments of several of the judges and other breeders motivated us to see how far he could go and he’s shown to be quite the achiever in the ring with some excellent results. And those excellent results led to his first title of German Champion VDH in December 2017 – just under 13 months after gaining his first CAC.
You can read more about Riley’s achievements in the NEWS section or check out his placings on his Show Results page.
In addition he has also completed his Wesentest (“Character Test”) and Formwertprüfung (“Breed Standards Assessment”), in both of which he scored excellent. In April 2017 Riley was officially entered in the LCD Studbook (LCD Zuchtzulassung).
For a full overview of his assessments click here
Aside from Puppy School and basic training we are also training Riley to use his nose in Ziel Objekt Suche (Target Object Search) and Dummy Training in preparation for some hunt trials and tests.
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